The complete guide to successful travel on less than €10/day
You'll agree with me: travel is a source of pleasure, adventure, discovery and open-mindedness. In fact, there are countless benefits associated with a trip and what it can do for us!
We all want to travel more, to discover the world. But one problem often comes up:
" How do you travel when you don't have much money? "
Money seems to be one of the main obstacles. With money, people would travel more. But is it really that expensive to travel?
The answer is no!
And in this guide you'll find all the best tips and tricks for the cheapest possible travel.
You'll also find that it's possible to travel free of chargewith advice and evidence to back it up!
After reading this guide, you'll have no excuse not to go on a trip!
It's possible to travel with (almost) no money at all
This guide is made up of several chapterseach with its own theme.
You'll find advice on how to spend less during your trip, tips for save money on transport, accommodation and food.
Solutions are proposed to succeed in finance your trip, or how to travel successfully with 0 euro in pocket !
You can click directly on the chapter names to go to the one that interests you most!
- Chapter 1: The essentials before you leave: travel arrangements and basic money-saving tips
- Chapter 2: The best value for money list of ideal travel gear
- Chapter 3: The best ways to travel for FREE
- Chapter 4: How to cut costs by saving on transport (air/train/car rental)
- Chapter 5: How to save on accommodation (often one of the biggest expenses!)
- Chapter 6: How to eat well without spending
- Chapter 7: Beware of false charges: know them and avoid them
- Chapter 8: How to earn money during your trip to finance it entirely
- Chapter 9: 5 true stories of people who managed to travel without money for at least 1 year
Many travelers leave without any preparation, and without any savings "strategy".
ResultsThey tend to spend a lot, and a lot more than they had planned!
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced traveller, it's always a good idea to know/review some basic tips to make sure you're on the right track. save money on all possible travel expenses!
By saving everywhere, you can extend your trip or make it very inexpensive.
Here are the best tips and strategies for maximum savings during a trip.
- 22 money-saving travel tips from experienced travellers / Me, my shoes
- How can I save for my trip? / Travels and wanderings
- 25 tips for saving money while traveling / Travel well
- Pirate's 10 tips for cheaper travel / Pirate travel
- How to make your money last and save it when you travel / The backpack
- How I save a lot of money to travel / Valiz Storiz
Before leaving on a trip, especially if you're planning a long journey or even a round-the-world trip, it's essential to take only the essentials. strictly necessary with you.
Travelers often make the mistake of taking too much equipment with them, which handicaps their trip.
Others make the mistake of not asking about the ideal equipment (weight/space/quality/price ratio) and suffer the consequences later.
Here you will find a list of ideal equipment for a long trip, without spending too much (or at least spending wisely)!
- Top 20 travel essentials / Kowala
- Travel gear: my complete equipment list / The broke adventurer
- My 14 travel accessories for a round-the-world trip! A must-have! / Traveller's instinct
- My clothes and equipment for a trip around the world / The backpack
- trip around the world: our equipment / Novo monde
- Equipment: what gear do you need for a round-the-world trip? / Tourdumondiste
Who said you had to have money to travel?
Here's a common misconception among travellers!
It's possible to travel free of charge if you know the best tipsWith a little time and a little organization!
Here's how to succeed free travel and indefinitely!
- Travelling without money: how to survive in the urban jungle? / Flip-flop stories
- How can you travel for free for several months? / Vizeo
- How to travel for free: tips and tricks! / Let's take a trip
- Travelling without money: top tips / Your world tour
- How to travel for free (or almost)? 16 tips to discover! / The next trip
- 8 ways to travel for free (or almost!) / Travel travel
Everyone knows that easy to spend a fortune on transport.
A plane ticket to go to the other side of the world, buses or trains to go from town to town - it all gets very expensive very quickly!
In this chapter you will find top tips for maximum savings on your travelsand why not you move for free !
- The best tips for finding a cheaper plane ticket on the Internet / One day one travel
- How to find a cheaper flight (or the 9 rules for paying less for your plane ticket) / Traveller's instinct
- 7 tips to find a cheap plane ticket / The backpack
- 11 tips for cheap air travel / Smart cheapskate
- Find a cheaper plane ticket online / Le routard
- 9 tips for cheap train travel / Smart cheapskate
- Train tickets at low prices, it's possible... / Le routard
- 5 ways to save when renting a car / Yellow pages
- 5 tips for getting ready to rent a car when you travel / Tugo
- book a onward ticket pour voyager sans billet retour / One way fly
Accommodation is often a major obstacle to travel.
Booking a hotel or Airbnb quickly becomes very expensive, and this greatly increases the budget for a trip.
So how do you go about it?
How to save money on accommodation and make it a perfectly acceptable expense?
Here are the best tips for low-cost housing !
- 11 tips to reduce your travel accommodation budget / A bag on your back
- 10 accommodation options for cheap travel / World discovery
- 5 tips for booking a quality hotel at a low price The next trip
- Here's how to pay less for a hotel room! / Momondo
When you travel, you want to discover the gastronomic culture of the places we visit.
But how do you get there without spending a fortune in restaurants?
Here are the best tips for enjoying yourself while spending as little as possible.
- Tips for saving on food / A part of the world
- How to eat cheap when travelling / The backpack
- Top 25: Tips for saving money when traveling (on meals) / Globe raconteuse
- Cheap travel food often goes hand in hand with healthy eating! / The pink bird
- 8 ways to treat yourself on a trip without breaking your budget / Yummy planet
- Fill your stomach without emptying your wallet / Le routard
- Vacation savings tips: meals / Muchosol
- Save on food when traveling / Economies et cie
- Food: tips for spending less when travelling / Tripwolf
In addition to the usual costs (accommodation, transport, food, etc.), there are often a host of other factors to consider. small, unthought-of costs of course, but they do add to our travel budget.
These include everything to do with money, foreign exchange and bank charges.
These are costs you need to know about before you leave, and here's what they are how to avoid them or reduce them!
- My tips for changing your money when you travel / Globe bloggers
- How to reduce bank charges when traveling / Two-bag travel
- Travel costs: unforeseen expenses that put a strain on the budget / Radins
- Vacations abroad: our tips for reducing incidental expenses / Personal investments
In this chapter, we'll take a look at how to make money while traveling!
Work or find a way to be remunerated is ideal to be able to extend your trip weeks, months or even years!
Here is the complete list of best ways to earn money while traveling.
- 40 ways to work and travel around the world / The backpack
- Working while traveling: practical file / Tourdumondiste
- Work while you travel to finance your trip around the world / World discovery
- Travel and earn money: where to start / Local detour
To conclude this guide, I'd like to introduce you to the incredible stories of a few people who have taken the plunge and travelled the world without any money !
Proof that it's possibleIt's all about believing, being determined and following all the advice in this guide, especially in Chapter 2.
Here are some stories that will inspire !
- She travels around the world without money / The backpack
- Useful travel without money: Nicolas' story! / Traveller's instinct
- Benjamin, utopian green traveler on 0 euros a month / Nouvel obs
- A family on wheels: 15 years of round-the-world travel / Café Babel
- My €0 round-the-world trip / Paris match
Do you know people who love to travel? Send them this guide - they're bound to learn a few tricks!
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